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Baroque art and architecture, the visual arts and building design and construction produced during the era in the history of Western art that roughly coincides with the 17th century. The earliest manifestations, which occurred in Italy, date from the latter decades of the 16th century, while in some regions, notably Germany and colonial South America, certain culminating achievements of Baroque did not occur until the 18th century. The work that distinguishes the Baroque period is stylistically complex, even contradictory. In general, however, the desire to evoke emotional states by appealing to the senses, often in dramatic ways, underlies its manifestations. Some of the qualities most frequently associated with the Baroque are grandeur, sensuous richness, drama, vitality, movement, tension, emotional exuberance, and a tendency to blur distinctions between the various arts.
Anything with a complicated design can be baroque but it also refers to a style of art, music, and architecture from 17th Century Italy (and is then sometimes capitalized). Although it has roots in the Portuguese word barroco meaning "imperfect pearl" not everything baroque is imperfect.



7 grade Second Period Information Gothic

·         Gothic art 12th -15th century     introductory videos     get to know Europe.  Get to Know more  and  more Gothic Art Born of the Romanesque movement, Gothic art developed in France by the middle of the twelfth century. Both Gothic art and architecture spread throughout Western Europe The hallmarks of Gothic art include such forms as sculpture, paintings (on panels), stained glass, and illuminated manuscripts. Fresco was also an important media for Gothic artists.  The subjects of Gothic art were often religious in nature, but the period also marks an interest in secular art. As literacy rates improved and more and more people could patronize the arts, additional subject matter came to light. Scenes often, however, depicted narratives of Biblical stories. The Madonna, a less iconic and more human woman, figured strongly into Gothic art. Religious subject matter covered churche...


Topics 7 th grade ·         Gothic art 12th -15th century ·         The renaissance 1350-1600 ·         Baroque Assessment Build a mockup of a Cathedral using any of the art influence. Topics 8 th grade Post- impressionism ·         Paul Cezanne ·         George Seurat ·         Vicent Van Gogh ·         Paul Gauguin ·         Henri Toulouse ·         Art Nouveau Assessment Make an art Journal. (One paint per week) Topics   9 th grade Photography ·         Edward Steichen   ·         Alfred steigchen ·       ...

8th grade Art Gallery